Leanne and I

Leanne and I

Monday, February 29, 2016

A busy and boring week

Well this was a busy week for Leanne and a boring week for me. Leanne would be in Vancouver, B.C. from Sunday till Thursday for conferences, meetings and dinners. It would be go, go, go from the time she got there till she left. 
She did have a great view from her hotel room. 

Another view from her room. We were able to talk to each other every day, but with the 8 hour difference it wasn't easy.

Late Thursday she was off to San Francisco for meetings on Friday. 

And she did have time to see some of the sights and have some Dungeness crab.


I my self would rather have had an In and Out burger.

A nice view of Alcatraz island, a nice place to visit but i wouldn't want to live there.

And of course a view of the cable cars.

Being she's ridden them before, she skipped a ride this time.

And she walked up and down Lombard street. She is still sore today from that decision. 

Another view with the Golden gate in the distance

And after a walk around town she ended back at fisherman's wharf for more Dungeness crab. With the walk up and down Lombard she deserves it.

and a view of the sea lions---i think there the same ones we saw 10 years ago.

While Leanne was busy with her trip I was at home with 25 and Coach. They got into a very needy mood by the fourth day.  I must be the boring one in the group.

Leanne came home on Saturday, exhausted from a very long busy week.  

As you can tell i missed her a great deal. 

Good thing neither of us are allergic to rose petals. 

On Sunday we went for a walk in Hampstead Heath. The Heath  is a 790 acre park in the northern part of London. 

 Coach was able to get some running in and Leanne was able to unwind and enjoy a little quite time.

After we left the Heath we did a little walking around the village of Hampstead.
On one of the streets we found this monument. This was a well that was built for the poor in 1698

Walking down another street we came upon this bit of history, the Parish lockup.


There's more to this town for us to see, so we plan on coming back another time.

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