Leanne and I

Leanne and I

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

A walk in Kent

Leanne got a suggestion from one of her coworkers to do a walk in Kent. We had our choices of doing 6 to 11 miles and would decide how far as the day progressed.
We took a train from London about 45 minutes to the Cuxton train station. From there we would follow the directions i downloaded from the internet. As we look at the directions we weren't sure if we would get lost or not. But as the day went they were very accurate and we will check out more of these in the future. Most of the walk would follow "the North Down way" a hiking path in the south of England.

We passed small local church on the way,

thru the church yard and past old grave markers.

After the church we went up hill a bit and started to see a lot of grand views.

Thru out the day we would cross or climb over gates. These are all made for the hiking trail and keeps the livestock in there place.

We came to a large wooded area that went on for more than a mile.

Coach was having a great time, we didn't see any deer, so we didn't have to worry about him taking off.

After a mile or two we came to this open field. At one time the field had heavy brush and It look it had just been chopped down. 

In some fields seeds were planted for wild life to feed off of.

More walking and more fences to climb over. They even have it set up for the ones with four feet, Coach just had to go under it.

A sign post marker with the many different trails.

This was a loooong descent, great workout for my old knees.

The younger ones have no problem with it. 

Another long open field. By law the farmers have to let people walk on there land. As you can see the field as new crops coming up and the trail runs right thru it.

It was sunny but very windy, we would be walking to the top of the hill in the background.
Very stony ground and the rocks had a flint like look to them.  

Time for a break.
Coach knows when the bag is opened he gets a treat, as you can tell.

Another stile to climb over.

The view seem to go on forever, this one has a church we will be walking to.

and with the hedge row we finally got out of the wind.

An out house with a thatched roof---take that off the list of things to see.

This church was made using the stones from the field.

a closer look at the stone. The fields we had been walking in had lots of this type of stone.

This church was also having a service for Mothers day. But they call it "Mothering Sunday"

A sunny spot with no wind, life is good.

We got to a crossroad, go right to a pub or go up another field.

It was to early for lunch so up we go.

Another pass thru the field and a look at were we had been. It was a great day for walking.

The farmer had just plowed this field and he drove the tractor across the field to show where the trail went. Without him doing that we would be lost. 

The last kissing gate to go thru. This one had a weight that made the gate close behind us.

Lunch at the Cock inn, we each had a pint and a burger. If we had seen how big the burger was we would have just ordered one.

The plan was to hike another 3 or 4 miles. But after the beer and food we decide to go to the train station and head home. 

Another nice little station in the middle of nowhere. The train only stops once an hour, we lucked out and only had to wait ten minutes. 

The next day was going to be a easy day. Leanne did a two mile walk with Coach in the morning,

and in the afternoon we did a walk thru Holland park.

The  park was full of people and the flowers were in bloom. 

A great weekend walk, we have plans of going back to Kent to hike more of it.

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