Leanne and I

Leanne and I

Monday, January 9, 2017

Bread and Mist

Bread, lets face it who doesn't like bread. I decided to take a few more bread making class's this week it would be Italian breads. First up would be bread sticks.
Rosemary was added to the dough and after rolling we brushed with olive oil and sprinkled with salt. They brought out some pesto for us to dip the bread sticks in. Some marinara sauce would also have been good. We made about 60 of these.

This was the dough we made for the ciabatta bread. This was cut up into rolls and and loaf's

 And the last was focaccia, this is mine on my temporary cooling racks (bread sticks).

The finished products at home, minus a few bread sticks.

This weekend we took it easy again and walked. Even though its January some of the trees are flowering. 

And this time of year we see the discarded Christmas trees. Our walks are longer because Coach has to mark ever tree we walk by. 

The weekend was misty both Saturday and Sunday. Just wet enough that we needed a raincoat and wellington boots if you had them.

Lee has the boots so she and Coach would walk in deep grass while I stayed on the pavment.

A view looking at Kensington Palace.

another view of the pond in Hyde park.

On Sunday mornings if you want, you can pay to join one of these fitness groups. This one is called "British military fitness" and the instructors wear military fatigues and work the heck out of you. Good for them, we will just do our nice easy walk.

This is a cottage/house that is in Hyde Park. I tried to get a nice picture of just the house, but couldn't because of the big high rise in the background. There is a very loud road behind the house. 
Great looking house, just in the wrong location. 

This is the Italian garden between Hyde park and Kensington Palace. Lee was trying to show off her 
wellington boots but Coach decided to get in the picture.

A better shot, but he still got in. The whole park and he wants to stand right there.

Getting towards the end of the walk, this walk way goes to Kensington Palace. A nice view after a five mile walk.

St. Mary's Abbot church, it near our house but we have not gone into it. Maybe we will before we leave.

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