Leanne and I

Leanne and I

Monday, August 15, 2016

Beer Festival and a walk down the Thames

While Leanne was at work on Thursday i went to the Great British Beer Festival.

http://gbbf.org.uk/ There was over 900 Beers and ciders---I was only buying 1/3 of a pint each time and only had a few. The Beer is stronger over here and you don't want to drink more than a few pints.  

This is only a portion of the taps. Some were medal wining beer and those were the ones i was buying.

And the fact that the event was just a 1/4 of a mile from our house made it an easy walk.

Saturday we did a seven mile walk along the Thames river. 
 After a short ride on the tube we got to Richmond station and headed to the river. We had to walk thru a few soccer fields and then an open area before we got there. Leanne loves the open fields, there are a lot more over here.

And Coach likes them too.

When we got to the river we walked past the Richmond lock and Weir complex.


This was constructed in the 1890 and it was used to maintain the water level of the Thames.

Richmond Lock from Isleworth,Middx looking SE.jpg

This was our view for most of the walk.

And sometimes Coach and I would run up ahead and get our picture taken.

Lee took this picture of an old church bell tower. The tower was very old compared to the rest of the church.

This is Coach and I running ahead to get in the picture. He likes to make sure he gets in face in the picture.

As we walked down the path we kept meeting runners going the other way. We found out about a mile from this spot that they were running a full marathon and the were are mile 20. So not only were the running but the had us to contend with.

This is an actual draw bridge to Kew Gardens. 

Not really sure why its there or if they even use it.

More walking and the better side of Coach and I.

We are nearing the end of our walk, after we crossed this bridge we walked past these boats. That side of the river must have been like the other side of the tracks. We walked a few miles and the boats kept getting worse. It started to look like a cross between a boat graveyard and where the British white trash lived. We had enough of this section and headed back up river to the bridge for lunch.

We found a nice pub, Leanne had a fish sandwich and i had a hot dog. What was supposed to be a hot dog ended up being smoked sausage, it was fantastic. Leanne sandwich was also great.

We passed this sigh on the way out of the pub---the locals must really party.

This morning we walked to the Churchill arms to get a picture of all the flowers.


This is what they do for Christmas.

As we were taking the pictures a group of horses came walking by. 

Just a normal day in London at 6:30 in the morning. 

We assumed they were the queens horses going for there morning walk. Coach get real excited when he see's them and wants to chase them. We had him sit while they walked by. I know he was saying " i just want to play with the white one".
After that we headed home------while Coach was pulling towards the horses.

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