Leanne and I

Leanne and I

Monday, August 8, 2016

A different kind of B & B

I decided to make some broccoli cheddar soup on Monday and it was fantastic. I think i had three bowls before Leanne got home and had another two when she did. She had one bowl and some bread and she also agreed it was great. Later on that night her small intestines disagree with both of us and said "i'm not taking any of this" and decided to do a work stoppage. I think the wording was  "Nothing will be moving beyond this spot".

 After a very restless night it was time to go to the hospital to see if we could get some movement with the problem. First hospital did not help her at all and sent her home with some pills that did nothing. By noon Lee called her Doctor and he sent us to a different hospital. This would be Leanne
different kind of B & B for the next two nights and three days. This is an issue Leanne has had three other times over the last 20 years, so she knows the routine. Once she got the NG tube in the small intestines decided to let things pass. 

A nice picture of Lee's B & B. She was rooming with six other people and she had her own TV but you had to use a credit card to make it work.

Chelsea & Westminster Hospital July 2013.JPG

Everyone was a little stressed that she was staying someplace else. When she finally got home both Coach

and 25 stayed close by her. And so did I.

Just for the record it was really good broccoli soup.

The weekend was going to be easy for us. Saturday and Sunday we did walks in Hyde park.
There are a lot of statues and memorials in the park. This is Cavalry of the empire Memorial.


Sometimes were just not ready to get our picture taken. Coach is doing the pose, i on the other hand am not.

The knight and horse are standing over a slain dragon. The dragon has a Germanic style mustache. 
It was unveiled in 1924 as a memorial for cavalry men that served in WWI

Next we walked by the statue of Achilles, they used bronze from captured cannons to make it. It was a monument to the Duke of Wellington and his likeness was used for it.


This is Reformers tree mosaic.


This marked the spot of an oak tree that was used as a meeting place for the Reformers league.


The Reformers' Tree

Sunday after noon we went to Brompton Cemetery


This cemetery was formed in 1840 and is one of the magnificent seven cemetery's in London.


It is 39 acres, has 35,000+ graves and 205,000 people are interned there.

Most of the graves were family graves with multiple people buried in the same plot of grown.

Most of the area was not mowed except for this area. A few nights a year they show movies in this area, Psycho and The Birds was on the list. Great place to watch a scary movie.

It was very crowded, with every inch of usable space having a head stone or monument.

 and there was a few areas we could walk Coach. 

It did have some nice areas were you could have a picnic.

But not here. 
There are famous people buried here but for the most part we never heard of most of them. There are some native American Indians buried here that worked in Buffalo Bills Wild West show. 

and last for the week was a new attachment for the stove. The stove at our house has an hookup for a rotisserie. Our first try was a chicken. 

Not bad for the first time, going to try a roast next time.

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