Leanne and I

Leanne and I

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Visitors and Wimbildon

Well it time for Wimbledon, two weeks of tennis and we scored a couple of center court tickets on the second Monday. The first week we mostly just watch what we could on the TV. They have two channels that run all day and for the most part its British tennis players. 
We also have visitors this week, Ken and Peg Pewinski from Michigan are here, Ken and I first met way back in Kindergarten. They will be off to Paris for a few days and then be back to stay with us a few days. 

Our Monday at Wimbledon started early, I would take Ken and Peg to the train station and Leanne was off to the courts. Leanne got there early and and after walking by Henmen hill she would be off to court three.
Henman hill is a large grass area where people can sit and watch tennis on a big screen. 

Court three was a not ticketed court, this means it was open to anyone that had an entry ticket to Wimbledon.  She wanted top watch a women single's match. As you can tell she scored a great seat. 

When i got to the courts i also went to by way of Henman hill as you can see more people have arrived.

I walked by one of the score boards on the way to meet Leanne. 

But first I had to go thru the mobs and mobs of people.

There were 18 courts, so tennis was everywhere. For some is was just a few rows of seats or just standing room.

We had signed up for a lottery and were able to get tickets on center court. We had great seats and would be watching three great matches. 

Roger Federer against Steve Johnson would be the first match. 

We only had one problem with our seats, the blonde sitting next to me decided to take a bath with her perfume.  The good thing we had a slight breeze to take the smell away.

As you can see the stands have filled up to watch Rodger.

We had been here a month ago and was able to see the difference after they play on it.  

After the first match (Roger easily won) it was time for food and refreshments.  

Champagne of course. 

and also the Wimbledon tradition of strawberries and cream.


A couple of happy faces, we are having a time.

Waiting for a break to get back to our seats.

For the second match would be watching Serena Williams against Svetlana Kuznetsova. It would be an easy win for here.

Here we are watching great tennis with a bottle of wine we brought.  Wimbledon allows you to bring in food and drinks into the tournament. 

Last match with Andy Murray against Nick Kyrgios. It would be another quick match with Murray winnning.

Another view of two very happy people. We are already talking of getting tickets for next year. 

As we were heading home we watched a mixed doubles match for a while. 

And after the matches are done for the day the clean them up. Yes, this is the grounds crew sweeping the grass. This is what they do, i can't make this up. 

We had a great day, better than either of us had thought it would be. 

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