Leanne and I

Leanne and I

Monday, July 11, 2016

July 4th week

Wimbledon was still going on this week so we watched as much as we could. And with two  TV channels for the tournament every day it was easy to do.  Our friends Ken and Peg got back from Paris late on Wednesday and had lots of stories about the trip to France. They had did a tour of the WW II sights around Normandy and found it very moving. Normandy is on our list along with some other places in France.

Thursday and Friday Ken, Peg and I did a hop-on-hop off tour of London. Part of it was on a bus and the other part was a boat ride down the Thames.  
I had never taken the boat ride so it would be a new experience for me. It was nice to get a different look at the sights from the water. We boarded the boat near the tower of London and headed up stream to Parliament.   

We also had a tour guide for the ride and he would explain the sights as we went. 
Its a busy waterway and I did see a few kayaks in the water. Something i would not try with as rough the water was.
Rounding a bend we could see the London eye in the distance along with big Ben. 

The ride was about a half hour long and was nicer than the buses that have to stop all the time for traffic.  We arrived at the docks near Parliament and would switch to a bus for the rest of the tour.  

That night we would go out to eat at a Thai restaurant that was in the back of a pub. It is rather weird to have British in the front and Thai in the back. 

A nice picture of the lovely women that had dinner with us. 

Ken and I had met in kindergarten so we we had a kindergarten class reunion in London. The rest of the class never showed up.

And just like Kindergarten its time for a nap. 

Leanne and I and had very enjoyable time with them. Good to have old friends stop by.   

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