Leanne and I

Leanne and I

Monday, July 25, 2016

Heather and Keith and fields of lavender.

This weeks visitors was Heather and Keith, my daughter and son in law. It would be a busy week trying to see as much as we could while they were here. They arrived on Saturday and we just did a short walk around Holland park and a stop at a pub for a pint. 

The next day we went to Hampton Court Palace

We walk around the inside of the palace and then walked around some of the gardens. 
The two Princess's were able to sit in a gold coach.

The gardens were beautiful and went on for what seemed forever. There was a flower show the week before that we had missed. It will be on our list for next year.

The ride back was a bit crowded as you can see. What could possible be worse than a crowded train? One that is not air conditioned on a hot day.

We started the next day at the Churchill war room and then Westminster Abbey. With all the people that are buried there Westminster is more like an indoor cemetery.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burials_and_memorials_in_Westminster_Abbey

And then it was time for lunch, Heather had the British tradition of fish and chips.

We then did a walk thru St. James park


on the way to Buckingham Palace.

The Queen wasn't at home so we didn't stay for coffee.

After we left the palace we walked thru Green park.


Both parks, St. James and Green have a history with the leper hospital. St. James was the name of the leper hospital and Green park is said to be where they buried them.

As we left green park we passed a cross walk for horses. For the pedestrians there is a button to push that is about four feet off the ground. The one for the riders on horses is a little higher. 

As you can see.

The next day we traveled to Bath. 


 It has a lot of pedestrian streets, this one looks like its near an umbrella factory with the door open.  

Another stop was the ancient Roman Bath that the town is famous for.  

To check out the whole town we got on the Hop-on Hop-off bus, or as Keith called in the Hippity Hop bus.

Our last stop was the Royal Crescent


All are private homes except for the hotel in the center. 

Another ride home but this time the train and tube was air conditioned. 

After the long ride we stopped at the store for some adult refreshments.

The next day we rode the Hippity hop bus around london.

A nice picture of Big Ben seen thru the London Eye.


We got off the bus at the Tower of London. I think this would be my fifth or sixth time seeing the Tower of London.

The guard outside the building that holds the crown jewels. 

From the Tower we would take a boat ride down the Thames. 

While we waited for our boat a cruise ship came in. We got to watch the Tower Bridge open and the ship go by.


That night met Leanne and went on a Jack the Ripper walking tour.

The tour would take us to an area where the murders happened. Some of the buildings were still there along with a pub that was frequented by the women that were killed.

Thursday we were off to Windsor Castle.


At the Castle we could tour some of the grounds, and the royal apartments.

We could not take pictures of the inside but i was able to find this one of St. George's Hall on line. 

The Queens guards were marching by after we left the inside. 


And Heather got to stand next to this one. I tried to get Keith next to him but he passed on the opportunity. 

A few more pics, St. George's Chapel on the left the Lady Chapel, the Round Tower, the lodgings of the Military Knights, and the residence of the Governor of the Military Knights.

And the three of us.

Some of the pubs in England really don't like kids.

Thursday night Leanne took us to a Cricket Match. I'm not sure how the game is played, but it was fun to watch.

Leanne and I enjoying a game we know nothing about.

They did have a scoreboard with stats of the game, we didn't understand it either. The home team fans wore the pink cotton candy looking head bands. A funny thing that is allowed at the game is you can bring your own booze. We had brought wine and beer but found out we should have brought champagne. Every once in a while we would hear a pop and a champagne cork would fly thru the air. There was a lot of them flying all night. 

Friday we got up early as we had a lot to see today. Heather got up a little earlier and went with Leanne to Kensington gardens and got a selfie in front of Kensington palace.
 Will and Kate weren't home so Leanne and Heather had to have coffee with me.

First stop was the Sky Garden for a view of the city.

Next stop was St. Paul's Cathedral

It seamed like we were on a roll for going to places you can't take pictures. Most of the inside was off limits to a camera, but as we walked to the top of the dome we were allowed to take pictures.

So up we went, all 365 feet to the top--no elevator. A person could get dizzy walking in circles on the way up.

Finally at the top, Heather and I stayed away from the railing.

Keith on the other hand was right up close. Heather is telling Keith not to lean on the 400 year old railing.

A great view from the top.

This is where a statue of a saint was supposed to go, i decided to sit down and look "Saintly"

And then the walk down, it's a little easier going down.

Before lunch we stopped at the Florence Nightingale Museum
Being Heather is a nurse it was a must go to Museum.
It was on to Borough market for lunch. I had the salt beef sandwich, Heather had humus  and Keith had a pork sandwich. All were a little messy but great.

The last stop for the day was on the HMS Belfast


The Belfast is a WWII light cruiser that also saw action in the Korea. Keith and I found it interesting, Heather got a little bored when we got to the engine room. 

London November 2013-14a.jpg

We had a nice dinner at home and then went out for some sticky toffee pudding.

Saturday morning Heather and Keith went to tour Kensington Palace before they left. 
We had a great time with them, glad they came.

Every time Heather called back to the states to talk to the boys Tanner would always say "did you see Big Ben"? Heather would say yes and he would say good by. He's not much of a talker on the phone.

 They did get a few things for there boys, I do think the pink cotton candy head bands are a little big for my grandsons.

Tucker has a few Knights to play with.

And Tanner has his Big Ben. 

Sunday Leanne, Coach and I went to see a lavender field

It was 25 acres with three varieties of lavender 

It looks like we have the field to our self but there was about a thousand people in this field. 

A good way to end the week.