Leanne and I

Leanne and I

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Hampton Court

For the start of the day Leanne would walk Coach thru Holland Park. The park is a block away from our house and we walk in in daily.  This is what is left of the Holland house after it was bombed in WWII.


The Gardens are still there for all to enjoy.

After breakfast we took the train to Hampton Court Palace.

As we crossed the bridge we had a view of the palace in the background and also a crew practicing.

Leanne taking Coach down to the river Thames for a quick drink. The river always seems to be muddy brown.  

A view of the palace from this side of the fence.I think the spikes on the fence were to keep the riff raff and Jehovah witness out.

The Thames walk, i think you can walk all the way back to London on this---we did not.

This place must have been fun to heat, check out all the chimneys. There had to be someone in charge of bringing the wood in for all of them. Job security, a never ending job and you get the summers off.

More fence to keep out the undesirables, yes we are on the out side.

After about a mile we were at the back of the property and got on the other side of the fence. There was a gate so we did not have to mess with the pointed part of the fence. 
There is also a Golf course on the property. We would walk on the outside of it.

A nice path with not a lot of people, and no car noises. Most of the trees had a wooden fence built around them. This was to keep the deer from rubbing against them. We did see the deer herd later on in our walk. Lucky for us Coach did not see them.

Guy's playing that silly game called golf. It was a flat course with small greens, the rough is what made it hard. If your ball went in it,  you would never find it.

Past the golf course clubhouse and on to other things.

This is called Long Water, with a view of the palace at the end. This was King Charles II idea and was built in 1661. 

King: Build me a long pond 
Worker: but i take care of the fireplace in the winter and have the summers off
King: not anymore

It was 3/4 of a mile long, and was flanked by 544 lime trees planted  as a wedding present to to his wife.

A closer look at he palace with some really weird trees.

Coach and I getting ahead of Leanne

The green bushes in the trees are mistletoe. There seem to be an area where most of the trees had them.

On the out side of the palace gates we found this sign for a gate. This must be where the flower pots are delivered. 

Flowers not in pots. After going back in thru another gate we came upon this garden. There was also a maze that you could go in. 

A view of the front of the palace. 

And after a long day of walking it was time for a pint. Rugby was being showed on the TV but i think these guys were waiting for the foot ball game to start. 

The next day we went to Kensington Gardens and Hyde park for a walk. It was a sunny day so the parks were busy.

After two good days of walking Coach had had enough and need some quite time. Yes, that is how he sleeps.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Next we come I would love to walk the maze. We miss you both!