Leanne and I

Leanne and I

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Every one on this side of the pond

After spending Saturday and Sunday with Kim and Jim it was finally time for Coach, 25 and I to fly across the pond. The big day was Monday July 27th and our flight would leave at 8:00 pm. We used a service to ship Coach and 25 and they had to be in there approved  pet crates and dropped off at a shipping terminal at 3:30 pm. Inside the crates i added a calming pheromone for both of them, Coach also had a calming collar on.

  After all the paper work was filled out Kim dropped me off at the terminal. I was able to see the pet crates loaded onto the plane, they would be in a controlled area that would be the same temp and pressure as mine (just no alcohol in there class of seating).

The flight was a smooth 8 hour flight and we arrived at 10:00 am London time. I was able to get thru customs, grab a cab and be to the house by 11:30. Leanne was working from home so she was at the house when i got there. The pets would be delivered to the house so we called on them and they said it would be around 4:00 pm (it takes longer for them to go thru customs) I stayed up for a while but was dragging by 1:00 pm and went to sleep for a while. At 4:30 the pets has still not arrived, there had been a mix up and they had been trying to call my U.S. number. Once the problem was fixed they delivered our pets around 5:30 pm. Coach seemed to have more jet lag than 25 and for the most part they both looked good.

  It was a long day for all of us, the pets in the crates and us worrying about what condition they would be in.

The rest of the week went by fast. Leanne was able to take Coach on his morning walks, something that she has missed since she got here. 25 has gotten back to her normal routine, sleeping all day with an occasional break to get something to eat. I have been able to check the local area out a bit.

Friday night we went to a local pub called the "Scarsdale Tavern" about 5 blocks from our house to have a pint and get something to eat. Its a small place, a little bigger than the local bar in my home town. We were standing outside having our pint while waiting for a place to sit outside. We had Coach with us so we figured we would have to sit out side. Then one of the locals said that dogs could go in.  They are very pet friendly in London and for the most part you can take the dogs just about anywhere. The food was great and they pumped the room temperature beer from the keg.

One more thing, while we were outside Leanne mentioned if the guy at the bar looked familiar. It was Piers Morgan from 'Americas Got Talent" and CNN. He must have known we were going to be there and that's why he showed up. 

On Saturday Leanne and I took Coach for a walk in Kensington Gardens. We rode the bus there, it was Coaches first ride on a bus and he did not care for it. The Gardens is a large park that is connected to Hyde park. Kensington Palace is at one end of it and as you walk from it there are lots of trees with paved and unpaved walkways. Dogs don't have to be on a leash there so Coach got a lot of running in. 

We had breakfast across the street from a hat store. They sold the type of hat you would wear to a royal wedding. If one happens while were here Leanne knows where to go.

Our container shipment came in. I had to box Coach in so he wouldn't get in the way and put 25 in her shipping crate till they left.


Bonnie said...

Glad to hear that everyone made it over safely and things are going well!

Unknown said...

Oh how fun is it that you can take Coach to the bar with you to have a beer! New bonding moments to happen!! If Leanne gets a new hat you'll have to post it so we can all see it!!