Leanne and I

Leanne and I

Monday, August 17, 2015

A day trip to Oxford

We decided to take a day trip to Oxford on Saturday. For this trip we would have to do a few transfers on modes of transportation. We started on the bus, switched to the tube and then switched again at Paddington station to get on the train to go to Oxford.
Being used to just hopping in a car to go places it sounds like a lot. For the most part its all very easy after being here a few weeks.
After a short time we were out of the city and into the farming country. Along the way we saw the  canals  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canals_of_the_United_Kingdom)  that were used for shipping before the coming of the train. After an hour on the train, along with a few stops we made it to Oxford. We would be doing a 5 mile walk in and around town starting at the Oxford Castle and finishing at Stanford Lock.    

   In England women seem to wear hats for special occasions, this one was for a wedding.
If your wondering why the oars, today was also the  Oxford Royal Regatta.

 This canal is part of the Thames canal system, we saw lots of narrow canal boats like this one. There are some that can be rented, kind of like a house boat only smaller and narrower. The couple on this boat were in there probably in there early 70's.
 Our guide book said that this area is were the Ox would cross (ford) the river in 900 AD.  And that is how the town got its name.
 The building in white is the Salters Steamers company that does river trips. It was founded in 1858, its amazing the history we have seen while we are here.
 The start of the Royal Regatta crew race.
The race was a two day event, the day we were there the races were over a 1000 m course. There were single on up to an eight person crew, men, women and mix groups racing two boats at a time.
Along the river banks were about 12 boat houses that held all the boats. Each was owned by either a college, city or local rowing club.

 Coach and I taking a break while watching the race.

 Another lock we passed along the way, this one had a lock house. There are some locks that have an operators and some that the the people on the boat have to activate.

At the end of our walking trip we caught a bus back to downtown Oxford. We never get tired at looking at the architecture, it like we stepped back in time. 

After that is was time to head home. Coach (our dog) is able to go on all the modes of transportation over here. He is a quick learner for getting on and off of everything. The only problem he has is the escalators. Your not supposed to let a dog on them because there nails may get stuck in the groves. Coach hates them and when ever we can we avoid them. When we have to go on the i carry him and he does not like that either. 

And now to tell you about the new pet in the family. The house we rented came with a Koi pond, and in it was one gold fish. We have decide to name him Willy, and may start a free Willy fund.

One of our main worries is that our cat 25 will have him for lunch.

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