Leanne and I

Leanne and I

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Visitor, butcher class and beer

LeeAnn Stuhlmiller came for a visit the first week of September. LeeAnn and I did some hiking in Vermont a few year back. While she was here, my Leanne, Coach and I did a hike along the Seven Sisters.


We took an early break to enjoy the views.

one thing for sure we did not get close to the edge.

Can you tell we have a happy dog.

The view inland was like this for the five miles we did.

As you can see we had a great day. There are seven hills we would walk over, the last can be see in the distance.

There were a lot of people doing this hike, young and old.

A view back at three of the sisters with one of the younger ones on the left.

and a view ahead of three more.

This is one of the old guys walking.

After the last sister we came to a very small town with a pub. We did stop to partake in a pint.

A view of what we walked. There was a set of stairs to beach, it was very rocky.

LeeAnn and Leanne and the great view.

We had to walk a mile to the nearest town to catch a bus. This is our last view of the beach area.

Going the other way we could see the town we were walking to. It was a great day for a walk.

A few days later Leanne went off to Charlotte for a business trip and LeeAnn went off to France and Italy to finish off her vacation.
After they left I would take a pig butchering class. We started with a half of a pig and its head and the instructor would show us the different cuts of meat.

We also got to prepare a roast to take home

Mine didn't turn out half bad. It was too big for one meal so I ended up cutting it in two

While the instructor was teaching his co worker was cooking us dinner. A pork roast with crackling, potatoes and wine. Crackling is the crisp browned skin of the pig.

To finish out the week I went to a beer festival. It was one of the bigger ones and I tried a few of them. Just like trying wine, if you didn't like it you dumped it down the drain. One that I tried was a 12% cherry stout----it was nasty---down the drain it went.

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