Leanne and I

Leanne and I

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

A light weekend

Friday night went to the theater and saw the musical An American in Paris.


It was a great show.

We spent weekend around London and explored a few more parks. Hard to believe we have not see them all.  Saturday Leanne would take Coach for a short walk while i made breakfast. After we ate and sat around for a while Coach gave us the "can we go for another walk" look.

So we were off to Kensington and Hyde park. It was a gorgeous day. We even found a ball and had Coach chasing it and bringing it back to us. We weren't sure what happen to him because he never chases anything. He did it about five times and then must have thought "this is dumb" and was done playing catch. It was fun while it lasted.

The day was perfect we are going to miss this park. 

Coach will too, this is his favorite digging spot.

When he sets his mind to dig,

He is all in.

"Yes we are leaving, no you can't did for five more minutes".

A great picture of Kensington Palace.

Sunday morning Leanne would take Coach for another short walk. She took him off his leash and when she walked around the corner a peacock was standing a short distance away.  She called for Coach to come to her and for some reason he did. Generally when he sees the peacocks he wants them, and i don't mean to play with them. Maybe he was tired from all the digging yesterday. 

We had heard of a farmer's market that mainly sold flowers on the east side of London. So that would be our trip for the day,  and there was also a few parks in that area too.
After the tube ride we came across this small city park. It seems like every park has a statue, some are very odd. That is what i thought of this one.

Next was the flower market, it was about two blocks long and very crowded.  It was OK but with all the people it was difficult to even get close to looking at anything.

After leaving all the people we went to a city farm park that had barnyard animals. Coach wanted to play with the rooster---good thing there is a fence between them.

Coach and his brand new friend, he was crying as he tried to get closer to him.

Can i take him home with me----

by my new friend :(

From there we walked the neighborhood found another street market that sold a little of every thing. They even had rainbow croissants.

We passed a pub called the Well and Bucket 


and there specialty was seafood. Leanne had a crab salad and I stuck with the meat sliders. We were both satisfied with our selection. 
The art work at the pub was another story.

Not sure if there even was a story, i thought they were just weird. 

After that it was time to head home, but not before passing another odd named pub.
This pub is called Dirty Dicks and its history is worth reading.


Another great weekend and it looks like the weather is finally starting to break. 

One last thing I found this at the local grocery store. I guess there's only one way to find out if its good or not-----

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