Leanne and I

Leanne and I

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Deer's, lots of them.

Another weekend of walks, for Saturday we went to Hampton court. 
The one time home of Henry the 8th. We have been here before and decide to walk the grounds again.
We would be going by way of the train, our normal mode of transportation.

Some times we have to wait a while.

After a short ride (about 25 minutes) we have arrived. We may have to come back after this tree has it's leaves.

And this one too. Leanne wanted this picture to show the mistletoe in the tree.

OK, lets get walking. This is Leanne's favorite time of the day, a walk with Coach off his leash.

This month they were doing some filming for a TV special 

There was equipment and people everywhere. 

We finally get past them and got to the back side of the property where the golf course is. I don't think it was here when Henry was King.

Coach and i staying away from the driving range on the left. He was walking all over so he was getting his miles in.

We got away from the golfers and  made it to another open field.

Coach was in his element, there were a lot of holes in this area. I mentioned to Lee that they may be fox houses------"I think they call them dens" was her reply.

Leanne and Coach checking out the horses. They must have been draft horses by the size of there hoof marks.

We will miss these walks, no people and lot of open ground.

But then we saw the royal deer, and we had to put the leash on Coach.

The deer roam in the park and you have to be careful around them is you have a dog. They can do serious harm to a dog if they get near them. And you can get a ticket if your dog is chasing them---

As Coach wanted to do.

He was whining as we left.

Away from the deer we walked to Long water.

as you can see it is long. It was excavated during the reign of Charles II, in 1662. 

The water leads to the back side of the palace. 

A view of it thru the gates.

and more views of trees with mistletoe. 

It was time for us to take a break and have some champagne----yes i said champagne. It's how we roll here in merry old England. 

 But first we have a problem we have to take care of. Coach decide he needed some perfume for his body and rolled in something. We got out some wipes to clean him off. 

This is his "what me" look.

And his "i have nothing on me" look.

Off and going after the cleanup we walked to the front of the Palace. 

Not sure what this was supposed to be but here it is.

Sunday we did a short walk in the Mayfair area. 
This section of London was started in 1600's and got its name from the fairs it had in May. 
At one time there were many large mansions here, this has change over the years and now there are just a few. This is one of the few. 

Now there are lots of stores for shopping and also arcades for stores.

This is another arcade with high end stores. Nice to walk thru but to expensive to stop.

Nearing the end of our walk we passed another street typical street in London.

From there we walked thru Hyde park where Coach was able to chase a few squirrels. And he got a good look at some horses----after we put his leash on. 

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