Leanne and I

Leanne and I

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


We spent this weekend in and around Amberley

After a hour and a half train ride we got to the Amberley station. Our plan was to walk a bit before going to the B and B we would be staying at. We walked along the Arun river for about two miles enjoying the view. If we walked a few miles farther we would come to the town of Arundel that we visited back in August.

Coach as always was having a great time. As we walked we kept flushing out pheasants. It was like being in a game preserve, every 50 feet would be more birds.

Coach got close but never close enough to catch one.

We took a break at a bridge that led into the small village of South Stoke. It only has about 6 or 7 houses, so i'm sure you know who you neighbor is.


Most of the area is for grazing cattle or sheep so occasionally we would come to a gate to cross.

and once in a while we would walk by them. Coach would be put on a lead, just in case he wanted to try and play with them.

We came to another small village by the name of North Stoke


Seem to be a pattern here, we did not find an East or West Stoke.

North Stoke is an even smaller village with three or four houses. Must be east to get elected Mayor.
In the town is St. Mary the Virgin Church. Parts of the present building was built in the 11th century.


A sign said the church was open so we went for a closer look.

There was a screen door at the entrance and that it. It's actually a big church for such a small village. No problem getting a place to sit on Sunday.

Off and walking done a country lane, we were getting hungry and a pint was on my mind. 

We stopped at the Bridge Inn for lunch, we decide to start with half pints.

Coach was on break as we ordered lunch. We had assumed it would be small portions. 

We were wrong. We should have just ordered one meal and shared.

Outside the pub were various British classic cars, a little different from the cars back home.

As we headed for our B and B we came upon castle.
This one is Amberly Castle

At one time everyone in England must have had a castle, there all over the place.

This castle was converted into a hotel. So if you want to feel like royalty here the place to stay.

A view of the courtyard.

After the castle we walk thru the town of Amberley. The town has a large number of thatched roof houses.  

The birds on the top are also made of thatch.

We finally got to the B and B and lucky for us it's also a pub and restaurant. Can you tell i did the planning.

With Coach guarding the window Leanne and I were going to take a break. 

After a good nights sleep we were off and hiking. We had done around 7 miles the day before, so the plan was to do about the same amount or less. The walk would take us back thru Amberley and

see more thatched roofs.

Lee enjoying the walk thru town.

Waiting to cross a  busy street.

Lee stopped in the local store, they were pushing wine and tomatoes. 

Still waiting to cross the busy street.

This roof like the one we saw yesterday also had thatched birds on the roof

This is the Thatchers calling card. If you liked the roof you would ask for the Thatcher that leaves the birds on the roof.

As we were going up this hill Coach decided to go after something thru the hedge row. After a while Leanne went in after him. He finally came back thru the hedge but Lee had to walk to the end of the field to meet back up with us.

It was a long up, with a fence on both side keeping Coach in line.

About half way up we had a great view of where we started.

At a cross road we Lee was deciding which way to go.

The sign post we were following.

The field on the right is a turnip field and farther down are sheep grazing in a field that was harvested.

Coach was on a lead thru here. He didn't pull much but i know if he was loose we would be paying for one of these animals.

About a mile later it was time for a break.
Coach may still have been thinking of chasing sheep.

Cheese, crackers, cookies--

and Prosecco. I know how to pack for a hike.

A short time after our break we took this picture.
We will call this picture AB short for After Bunny.
 Coach was walking behind us and all of a sudden we heard something crying. I ran back and he had a full grown bunny in his mouth. After making him drop it the rabbit walked away very slowly.  It would be back on the lead for a while.

As we got to a high point we were able to see the castle in Arundel.

We ended our walk were we had started yesterday, along the Arun river. 

Before our train ride back we had a glass of wine at the Bridge Inn. As we were leaving we saw a group of seniors going out for a hike. We had met a few couples hiking on the big hills and they were older than me. It just goes to show your never to old to hike.

We ended up doing 8 miles, a good days hike.
Coach relaxing on the train ride back.

And last for this blog:
The house on the corner getting ready for Halloween.

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