Leanne and I

Leanne and I

Monday, November 9, 2015

Fireworks in November

November is time for fireworks in England. The actually day for it is November 5th or Guy Fawkes Day. 

 Guy Fawkes was a catholic that was tired of all the anti-catholic in England so he and some friends decided to blow up the House of Lords in 1605. Needless to say they got caught, were tried and executed.  Soon after they made it a day of remembrance and for the most part it was a reason to party.

Even though the celebration was supposed to be on the 5th, it seemed like the fireworks started on the 2nd and ended on the 8th. Coach has not been very happy with the noise and has been looking for a place to hide.

This week i visited the Churchill War Rooms.

This is was the British command center from August of 1939 till August of 1945. There is also an area that has the history of Winston Churchill.

Saturday Leanne left early for her walk with Coach. She was in Kensington Gardens and at one end is statue of Peter Pan

And she saw another group on horses, these were women riding side saddle.

I met up with Leanne for coffee, this was our view.

There is a group that swims all year long, 

and it was cold out

this is a bridge that separates Kensington Gardens and Hide park 

another view in Kensington and then a little bit of rain

and this was the view in Holland park, soccer practice for the little ones,

It was nasty but they were all having fun.

The Studs group had an event on Saturday, it was called  Studs and Spouses.  Its and event they have every year so that the wives can meet each other. It also lets the wives meet all the guy in the group.
One of the guys in the group had it at his house. The house itself was huge, 3 story with 4 bedrooms and two decks. One down stairs and one on the roof. At one point all the women sat at one table and started to talk. I asked one of the guys if this is what they do and he said they have never done this before. The guys all had worried looks on there face. 

A great night, we shared a cab ride home with another couple that is leaving in a week. Her work assignment is over and there moving back to the states. 

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