Leanne and I

Leanne and I

Monday, September 14, 2015

A walk around town

Leanne had bought a book called London secret walks and we decided to give one of them a try.
The book has 25 walks and the one we would take starts at the Maida Vale tube station in west London. 

 It would be about a  2 1/2 mile walk and end at the Marble Arch tube station.
In the late 19th and 20th centuries Maida Vale was mostly a  Jewish  district. One of the residents was David Ben-Gurion the first Prime minister of Israel. 

We walked by The Warrington hotel that was once owned by the chef Gordon Ramsey

During the walk we passed a green building, we have seen them around town and really didn't know what they were. The buildings came to be from the Cabmen's Shelter fund.

From there we walked to the Grand Union Canal and Little Venice
In this area there was a Puppet show barge that seated 50 people. There were also restaurant barges and also water taxis that would take you on a trip down the canal. Poet Robert Browning lived in a building that used to be on the left.

There were a lot of houseboats parked on both sides and had power hookup. I'm assuming they must pay a few to park there. Kind of like going to a camp ground on water. Virgin owner Sir Richard Branson used to live on one. 

From there we walked down an area called little Beirut or Little Cairo, not a pretty section to walk thru. Lots of Middle Eastern and Lebanese restaurants, the book pointed out an Iranian restaurant that we plan to go back and try out. 
At the end of this street is a plaque at a traffic island that marked the site of the Tyburn Tree. From 1196 to 1783 it was the place for public executions, between 40,000 and 60,000 died near that spot.

The end of our walk would finish at Marble Arch

Near Marble Arch is a bronze sculpture of a horse head called "Still Water.

On Sunday Leanne and Coach went for a long  morning walk, my feet were hurting from the day before so i passed on the Sunday walk. They walked from our house thru Kensington Garden, Hyde park, Green park and St. James park.  After 6 miles they ended up at Westminster Abbey where i met them (I took the Tube) and shared a crescent roll.

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