Leanne and I

Leanne and I

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

An easy weekend

We took it easy this weekend as we were both getting over the cold we got when we went to the states. What we mostly did is just walk in the parks. It is something we will really miss when its time to go back to the states.
We always seem to fine something new as we walk in Hyde park. This time it was two sculptures. As we walked towards one of them, Coach looks back to make sure Leanne is following.

To the left of where i was walking was the Hole in the head statue. I could not find any info on them so i just call them the Hole in the head. Just think a person got paid to make them.

This statue is called "Rush of Green"


The sculpture group includes a long-limbed family – father, mother, son and dog – rushing towards Hyde Park, encouraged by the Greek god Pan playing his pipes

Another new thing we noticed was the gate for the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment.
It is a cavalry regiment of the British Army tasked primarily with ceremonial duties.
They have been at this location since 1795

Saturday night Leanne kept saying that we had plans to go someplace, and I said that i didn't remember planning anything.  To make a long story short, we did have plans to see the play Cinderella. She was right and i was wrong---to make maters worse I was the one that ordered the tickets.
The good thing is it was just a short bus ride away. The play would take place in a tent and as we got closer we see it.

It was cold outside but the tent was heated. As we got closer we thought we would see more people. It was a big tent and not a lot of people. We even thought we got our days mixed up.

I guess they need to spend more money on advertising. The stands didn't fill up much more than this, it was almost like a private show.

It was a musical so there was a small orchestra off to the side. Over all it was a good play and you had to feel sorry for the cast and crew as they had to play to an empty house.

It a foggy morning both Saturday and Sunday, Coach got a little ahead of him self.

When he realized we were going the other way he turned around.

Pigeons, there are lots of them. 

These guy were taking a break, while waiting for the fog to clear. People are told not to feed them but they do anyway. And they are fat compared to the ones in the U.S.

so a slow easy weekend, but we did find time to get a tree.
Its not a great tree, but it will do.
Coach was not very happy because it was in his area, he's getting over it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Where's the weekly post?

Some of you have wondered where's the weekly post? 
I haven't stopped, we have had a busy few weeks and I haven't had time to do it. 
Back at it here we go.

We had a great visit by Leanne's Aunt Jan. She had been on a trip in Europe and stopped by on her way back to Savanna.  

We asked a lot of questions on the family name (Hall) and what part of England they came from. 

Hall Name Meaning

English, Scottish, Irish, German, and Scandinavian: from Middle English hall (Old English heall), Middle High German halle, Old Norse holl all meaning ‘hall’ (a spacious residence), hence a topographic name for someone who lived in or near a hall or an occupational name for a servant employed at a hall. In some cases it may be a habitational name from places named with this word, which in some parts of Germany and Austria in the Middle Ages also denoted a salt mine. The English name has been established in Ireland since the Middle Ages, and, according to MacLysaght, has become numerous in Ulster since the 17th century. 

Aunt Jan said the family came from the Newcastle Upon Tyne area. This is near the Scottish border and also where Hadrian's Wall is.


We plan on seeing it later this year.

After a lot of talking at the house we went to Gordon's wine bar and then to a play.

The next day we show Aunt Jan the sights around Holland park. I would like to say we had great weather----we did not. It rained for most if her visit but we did get an occasional dry spell.

Lunch would be at  "The Ledbury". We had gone to this restaurant a few weeks earlier and was lucky enough to get a reservation for lunch. Another fantastic meal.

We had a couple from the states over for Thanksgiving.  I cooked a turkey which turned out perfect. Coach and 25 sat close by the whole time while Leanne was cleaning up. I think they were expecting something.

The Friday after Thanksgiving we went to a play called the Snowman. The story is about a snowman that comes to life. Its a favorite of Leanne's and I liked it too. 

After the play we did a little night walk near the theater

As you can see I was a bit cold.

Its beginning to feel a lot like Christmas.

More Christmas decorations.

This was the entrance to a Christmas show, what looks like snow is a white carpet.

Our Sunday morning walk was in Kensington gardens.
As we passed the Royal Albert hall Leanne said she would like to see a Christmas show there.  And to hear a children's choir would be even better. When we got home I went on line and saw that they were doing a children's choir show that day. We bought the tickets and were out the door in a couple of hours. When we got there we went to where our seats were and one of the ushers changed our seats to box seats.
The view going into our box seats.

With seas like this you have to smile.

The view from the good seats. This picture shows the 1,500 kids in the choir.

A view of the audience. 

and some old guy.

A few days later we were off to the states to visit friends and family.

Coffee with Baileys and ice cream, a nice way to fly over.

Sitting back and chilling with Leanne on the flight over.

Our first stop was Charlotte, N.C. Leanne would have to work for a couple of days and we would also visit friends. We soon realized we did not plan enough time for Charlotte, the days flew by. 

Three days in Charlotte and it was time to fly to Michigan for my family Christmas party. 
We rent a resort for the weekend and most of my family shows up. 
This year we did a cook night of Spam. They were doing temporary tattoos with permanent ink. So although temporary they did last a while.    

It was also an Hawaiian theme weekend. The hula hoops where a big hit, this is Tanner running thru one. 

Back in London our dog sitter text us to say there was a problem in the house next door. Not sure what had happen but the mother was yelling at the son about what he did. The house has been getting worked on for the last year and was just finished.  

Back in Michigan the running thru the hula hoops bring in a crowd of spectators.

Leanne is about to give it a try.

A new traditions is we make Polish Kielbasa on the first night and cook it on the second. On this night we made 30 pounds of it. 

This is my nephew Michael getting the stuffier ready

My brother Jim, my grandson Tucker and Jim's daughter Hallie getting the casings ready

Olivia and Ian waiting for the meat to come out. 

And while the Kielbasa was being made Pat was giving Polka lessons. It was a great weekend with family.

Next stop was Chicago---and snow---and cold windy weather. Actually it wasn't all that windy. More family visiting, this time with Leanne's sister Kim and her man Jim. We walked in an area that Leanne used to ride horses when she was young.

It was a beautiful walk, cold but not enough to bother us. And the company was great.

They had gotten the snow the day before and it was cold enough that it didn't melt and make a big sloppy mess.

The old guy was getting behind, i had to tell them to "wait for me"

Time to head back across the pond. This is how you rough it while waiting for your plane.

Back in London and walking Coach at Kensington gardens, he really enjoys it.

and so does Leanne. 
Check out her new "Wellington" boots, there great for walking in the wet grass. 

Every once in a while the birds congregate in the trees. It looks like a scene from "the Birds" 
And any minute there going to attack us.

and there off----no they didn't attack.

And we found out that our grandson Tanner was sick with a cold. We wondered why we started getting a cold in Chicago.

Went to another Christmas show on Saturday night. After we did a short walk down 
Regent street. 

We plan on going back this week and see more of it. They really go overboard for Christmas here.

Sunday was a nice leisurely walk around Kensington and Hyde park. 

Now its' back to the weekly blog.